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A comprehensive course was $199 - NOW ONLY $139!! Self Paced Transformative Self Development. Give your relationships the love and attention they deserve. Are you ready to take responsibility, learn about yourself, give your sex life and self confidence a boost? This is the course for you. A collection of short videos & supporting documents with journaling and activities to re-discover your zest!

✓ Easy to consume bite size videos with Libby
✓ Unlimited lifetime access

Ready to move out of bored, lost and lonely to connected, happy and can’t keep your hands off one another? This course is for ANYONE in a relationship.

The best thing you can do for your relationship, is invest in it. From the beginning and the whole journey through.

If you are struggling to feel content in your relationship and ………….you have tried ”everything”

For any woman struggling in a marriage or partnership that feels lonely and disconnected.


Because the way to heal your relationship is in your power. To heal and fix your relationship to feel happy, loved and content is in your hands. With guidance from me in this easy-to-use self-guided program you can and will make a difference in the health of your relationship.

Tried therapy, couples counselling and more? But it hasn’t worked out? Let me tell you WHY ……

There is too much focus on who did what, which partner should take the blame. Looking at the past instead of creating a future. There is too much focus on what you should do without understanding why!

Women have a deeper understanding of men then men do of women because we are naturally the nurturers who are attuned to pick up on feelings at a deeper level. Men being more primal in their gene pool live in a different world, one that is to provide and protect. Not to nurture and fuss. Women are always ‘doing ‘ for others, abandoning themselves to the workload of having a partner, family and work. Women are always making sure everyone else is put first. While men, naturally put providing for their family and their own needs first.

Without teaching men how to tap into their more emotional side, the burden on the female role becomes overwhelming.


Understanding WHY and using this program to find yourself, feel more in love with YOU and learning the necessary tools for better communication that can literally change how your partner reacts, will have a BIG, POSITIVE impact on the relationship.

Do you still have hope, think it might be possible to turn your relationship around and avoid that dreaded ‘D’ word. If you do, then don’t hesitate any longer. You can start to make the change, and bring your partner along for the ride as you go.

The changes in you, spark the emotions in a man that help him to want to change, open up and get involved in finding the connection with you again.



I have been divorced, have three kids, found love again, studied extensively and have coached many couples on the brink of divorce back to a fulfilled, rich and connected relationship. It is my mission to help you, so you can thrive in your relationship. I am not a therapist, I am a life coach specialising in relationships. In coaching, we focus on getting results for the present and the future. We don’t mess around re-hashing the past. I have studied the differences between men and women extensively since my shock divorce ten years ago. I understand Men, and I know how you can get through to them.

Crucial learning tools you will get in TRANSFORM YOUR RELATIONSHIP…………

  • Learning about yourself, authenticity/ self-appreciation

  • Self-abandonment and how to stop it

  • Stop body shaming yourself and or your partner

  • How to communicate effectively for any situation

  • Expectations and the damage they cause

  • How to let go of the number one relationship killer RESENTMENT

  • How to work through conflict and stop the blame/shame game

  • How to find your mojo again and enjoy your sex life

  • How to stay interested in your partner for life (and them in you)

  • How to understand each others point of view without judgement (game changer)

  • How to appreciate, share and love each other again, leaving the past behind.

This comprehensive course is easy to follow, practical and has some big AHHA moments.

I have slashed the price, to make sure everyone has access to it . For only $139 AU you can transform your relationship. And your relationship is worth so much more!

If you want to keep your relationship alive click here to download now

If you are fed up and think it doesn’t matter anymore, it wont change…………………

If you feel like divorce is the only answer. If you feel this is just something else that wont get done, think again. Divorce is a major problem (and money making business) in our society. We are fixated on doing and not on giving and receiving in our femininity. Men are too stressed and want instant satisfaction. Women are changing with childbirth and trying to rediscover their identity. Men have lost the understanding and patience for a changing partner. Women want to have it all. This is the reality of our fast-paced world and it is the children who end up on dodgy end of the stick.

Meet Libby.

From shock divorce to rebuilding life & helping others to do the same. Transform your Relationships is how Libby rebuilt, and now how she helps others rediscover and rebuild.

Master mindset coach and here to help you change your thought patterns and behaviour.

Specialising in health and relationships, my mission is to help as many people as possible to feel their best, overcome adversity and thrive in life.